Neutrea – cosmetics branding

Neutrea is a cosmetics brand aimed at both home care and professional salon treatments. We refreshed the packaging designs for products intended for individual users. The initial focus was on the existing products in the market: Summer Peel and Hydratin.
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Soon after, we also designed packaging for other cosmetics, including Rich Protection, Sensi Peel, and Skin Repair. Our task was to refresh the packaging to make it modern and appealing while maintaining a connection with the previous designs. It was important to preserve the existing composition and minimalist character. Designing Neutrea cosmetics packaging meant working within strict guidelines.

projektowanie opakowania kosmetyku
Opakowania na kosmetyki
projektowanie opakowan kosmetyki
branding kosmetykow

Brand logo design

The work also included designing the brand logo. We refreshed it slightly to better align with the new packaging. However, in line with the guidelines, we maintained a connection with the existing symbol. This way, we breathed new life into the Neutrea brand, simultaneously enhancing rather than completely changing its image. Such an approach to refreshing packaging projects is crucial for us. It results in gaining new customers without losing the existing ones. Working on an established brand in the market requires delicacy. It’s easy to go overboard, create something completely new, but in doing so, lose part of the existing customer base. We’ve detailed this process in an article for the Pharmaceutical Industry World.

projekt logo kosmetycznego
Kółko i krzyżyk Łódź
studio graficzne opakowania
projektowanie opakowania kosmetyku
agencja opakowania kosmetykow
projekt opakowania kosmetyki

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Need a packaging design for your cosmetics? Nothing easier! Write to us, briefly describe your project and needs. We will get in touch with you to determine how we can help! We will gladly take your product to the next level!

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