Hot Potato – board game design

Every board game manufacturer dreams of having a bestseller in their portfolio. In an industry with over 60 publishers in Poland and more than 10 new games released every week, selling 5,000-10,000 copies of a title is considered a success. Achieving 50,000 copies is rare. However, we managed to develop a game that sold over half a million copies in just 5 years.
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For Kids

How to develop the mechanics of a board game?

We began by asking ourselves what kind of game we’d like to play. We brainstormed various ideas, including a game about pandas, secret agents, a wild variation of charades, and a game related to pop culture. Each team member had a different concept.

Henry Ford once said, „If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”

So, we changed our approach and identified what we disliked in various board games. Then, we made a list of things we liked the most in other games.

projektowanie opakowan gier
projektowanie gier planszowych

Designing the board game concept for children

projektowanie plakatow dla dzieci

After comparing both lists, we realized that overly complicated games that required hours to understand were the biggest turn-offs for us.

We wanted our game to be accessible, with intuitive and straightforward gameplay. A game whose rules could be explained in a minute and was enjoyable for both board game enthusiasts and newcomers.

Was it possible? How could we reconcile fire with water?

agencja branding dla dzieci

What is one of the most intuitive things for people of all cultures and ages?

Asking and answering questions. Since players were going to provide answers, we focused on creating the best possible questions.

Our knowledge of divergent intelligence tests proved beneficial. These tests go beyond traditional IQ tests, which measure only one type of intelligence associated with logical thinking and solving specific puzzles. Divergent intelligence tests, like asking for as many uses for a brick as possible, allow for a broad range of answers and assess creativity rather than knowledge. There are no right or wrong answers; the focus is on the quantity and diversity of responses.

These tests became the foundation for our board game. We developed a series of questions inspired by divergent intelligence tests. The success of the game depends on creativity and an open mind.

projektowanie rollupow
Goracy Ziemniak opakowania gry planszowej

Graphic design

After conducting mechanics tests, we created a clear and readable instruction manual. With the game’s setting established, we moved on to graphic designs. We developed and prepared a complete set of materials: box, cards, board, instruction manual, and a PLUSH POTATO. The plush potato is a simple, charming gadget that adds tremendous joy to the game.

Next, we created other game versions: travel, slimmed-down, and deluxe. We also designed a version for younger players, featuring questions tailored to their age and knowledge. Additionally, we prepared a new, more cartoonish graphic design.

projektowanie gier planszowych case study
projektowanie opakowan dla dzieci

After several years since the launch of Hot Potato, it was time to create a special edition. We announced a contest in which players were to submit their own questions. We received nearly 5,000 questions developed by players, marveling at their creativity. With a heavy heart, we narrowed down our selection to 660 questions.

In 2017, Hot Potato was awarded the Toy of the Year title. To this day, numerous game versions have been released, and the total sales have exceeded 500,000 copies, surpassing the widely recognized hit threshold of 50,000 units.

Board game design is our specialty, and for Hot Potato, we also developed a variety of promotional materials, including press ads, leaflets, roll-ups, posters, banners, a promotional video, and many reviews.

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Need a packaging design for children? No problem! Reach out to us, briefly describe your project and needs, and we’ll get in touch to discuss how we can help. If you want to design a board game to promote your product or company, you can count on us too.

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